Many of us have experienced a bothersome ringing or buzzing in the ears after loud events, such as concerts and sports games. But what if the noises persist long after? Hearing intermittent or continuous sounds in the ears is known as tinnitus, and it is an extremely common condition, affecting about 50 million Americans, according to a 2010 study. And …
Avoiding Hearing Tests Could Make Problems Worse
Let’s face it, no one likes bad news. And avoiding a hearing test is like, well, not getting bad news. But if you already suspect that you may have hearing loss, why wouldn’t you get a painless and comprehensive evaluation at Customer Hearing Solutions? Hearing loss is a widespread problem In the United States, hearing loss is the third most …
Tips for College Students with Hearing Loss
When you live with hearing loss, it often means you have to consider challenges that are specific to the way you hear. Whether you are traveling to a new place or making a new friend, knowing how to successfully navigate your hearing limits is a valuable life skill. One huge area where hearing often plays a special role is in …
What is Single-Sided Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss occurs in many different forms – and for many different reasons. Although most often thought of as a condition that affects both ears, hearing loss frequently occurs unilaterally with one ear experiencing more hearing impairment than the other. This is called single-sided hearing loss and it is a serious health concern. Fortunately, there are hearing solutions designed specifically …
The Link Between Hearing Loss and Happiness
The physical symptoms are what usually come to mind when we think about hearing loss. You have a ringing in your ears, sounds often seem muffled, or it has become difficult to hear and understand others when there is background noise. But we often forget to consider the emotional symptoms, and these can be just as real and disabling as …
Bananas Are Found to Support Hearing Health
We’re learning more and more about the healing benefits of plants and nutrients. Adding superfoods into our diets can help to balance and protect against a multitude of disease and illness. But if we told you that bananas were a superfood that supports hearing health would you think we were…bananas? It’s one of the more accessible and versatile fruits on …
Falls and Accidents Are More Likely with Hearing Loss
As the Baby Boomers age into a life stage where hearing loss is accepted as par for the course, a stronger spotlight is being shown on the impact of hearing loss. The inconveniences of social and verbal interaction are more widely known now than ever before. However, there are hidden dangers to hearing loss that go well beyond this the …
Your Rights and Hearing Loss
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) makes it illegal to discriminate against individuals with hearing loss. There are certainly challenges associated with hearing loss, but the ADA makes sure employers, landlords and the owners of public venues do their best to accommodate those with hearing issues. At Custom Hearing Solutions we help individuals who have hearing loss, but we also …
How Smoking & Drinking May Affect Hearing
Several studies, including one from the American Medical Association indicate smokers are more likely to experience hearing loss than non-smokers. And passive or second-hand smoke can also take a toll on hearing. Similar studies both in the United States and by European researchers show a link between alcohol use and hearing impairment. At Custom Hearing Solutions, we offer a variety …
When should I update my hearing aids?
New technology can mean an improved hearing experiences for those with hearing loss. At Custom Hearing Solutions, we stay abreast of the technological advancements and our audiologist and certified hearing instrument specialists can determine if something new can help you. Consider these questions to help you determine if you should update – and also remember we offer repair and cleaning …