Custom Hearing Solutions - Invest in a Fire Alarm System Designed for People with Hearing Loss

Invest in a Fire Alarm System Designed for People with Hearing Loss

Many people think hearing loss isn’t that big of a deal, and being hard of hearing is just an inconvenience. But hearing loss is far more than having difficulty following conversations, or needing to turn up the volume on the TV. Living with untreated hearing loss affects your life in many ways, and can be a real safety hazard. The …

Custom Hearing Solutions - How Winter Weather Can Affect Hearing

How Winter Weather Can Affect Hearing

Frozen windows, dressing in layers, hot drinks, snowy roads…some people welcome Jack Frost while others would prefer it stayed warm all year. But like it or not, winter is upon us here in Nebraska, in some places bringing with it extremely cold conditions. Keeping healthy in the winter is all about knowing how to take care of yourself–and that includes …

Custom Hearing Solutions - Great Things to Hear This Holiday Season in Omaha

Great Things to Hear This Holiday Season in Omaha

At Custom Hearing Solutions, our team is dedicated to helping you and your loved ones reconnect through hearing. And what better time to reconnect than the holiday season? Here in Omaha, we’re got a number of exciting coming up in the month of December, with plenty of awesome things to hear. Here are a few of our picks. Santa’s Magic, …

Brain Training Could Help Prevent Hearing Loss

Brain Training Could Help Prevent Hearing Loss

What are video games good for? We know they can help us organize candy, defeat space invaders, and collect an absurd amount of (virtual) gold, jewels and Pokemon. Beyond the fun stuff though, the role of games as tools has been steadily expanding – and now, they may also be able to help us train our brains to hear better.“Gamified” …

How Treating Hearing Loss Could Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

How Treating Hearing Loss Could Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

November is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, which we recognize here at Custom Hearing Solutions. The link between hearing loss and cognitive ability has been studied for years by researchers. From these studies, we’ve learned that there is a link between hearing loss and dementia – including Alzheimer’s disease – and that treating hearing loss early on could be very beneficial …

Are Sports Fans at Risk for Hearing Loss?

Are Sports Fans at Risk for Hearing Loss?

Packing people into a stadium to cheer on their favorite sports team might sound like the makings of a perfect activity, but there is a hidden danger to such a wholesome pastime. An afternoon spent rooting for the home team raises red flags around hearing health. A lively and raucous crowd of cheering fans at the average NFL game can …

Protect Your Mental Health by Treating Your Hearing Loss

Protect Your Mental Health by Treating Your Hearing Loss

About 20% of Americans report some degree of hearing loss. That’s one fifth of the population. With a condition so prevalent, it stands to reason that systems would be readily in place to make communication easier for those affected by hearing loss. Unfortunately, that isn’t often the case as hearing loss still carries a silent stigma. People with hearing loss ...
Hearing Loss Could Restrict Mobility & Quality of Life

Hearing Loss Could Restrict Mobility & Quality of Life

When you have hearing loss, invisible limitations can take root in your daily life and greatly affect how you live. Now, a recent study coming out of Finland is highlighting just what some of those limits are. The Finnish findings demonstrate strikingly that hearing loss often limits the boundaries of how people structure their lives and the freedom they have ...
Your Diet & Hearing Loss

Your Diet & Hearing Loss

Did you know that hearing loss is the third most common medical condition in the United States? Hearing loss follows heart disease and diabetes, and it affects 20% of the population. However, because it is an invisible condition that tends to occur gradually, people do not immediately know the signs of hearing loss. Unfortunately, untreated hearing loss could lead to ...