How Smoking & Drinking May Affect Hearing

How Smoking & Drinking May Affect Hearing

For years you’ve been hearing that smoking and drinking are bad for your health. Both these activities can lead to some seriously negative health outcomes. Smoking has been linked to cancer and lung diseases like emphysema and chronic bronchitis, while heavy drinking puts you at risk for heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure, as well as damaging your liver ...
Protect Your Mental Health by Treating Your Hearing Loss

Protect Your Mental Health by Treating Your Hearing Loss

About 20% of Americans report some degree of hearing loss. That’s one fifth of the population. With a condition so prevalent, it stands to reason that systems would be readily in place to make communication easier for those affected by hearing loss. Unfortunately, that isn’t often the case as hearing loss still carries a silent stigma. People with hearing loss ...
Hearing Loss Could Restrict Mobility & Quality of Life

Hearing Loss Could Restrict Mobility & Quality of Life

When you have hearing loss, invisible limitations can take root in your daily life and greatly affect how you live. Now, a recent study coming out of Finland is highlighting just what some of those limits are. The Finnish findings demonstrate strikingly that hearing loss often limits the boundaries of how people structure their lives and the freedom they have ...
Your Diet & Hearing Loss

Your Diet & Hearing Loss

Did you know that hearing loss is the third most common medical condition in the United States? Hearing loss follows heart disease and diabetes, and it affects 20% of the population. However, because it is an invisible condition that tends to occur gradually, people do not immediately know the signs of hearing loss. Unfortunately, untreated hearing loss could lead to ...
Dangerous Decibels at the Gym

Dangerous Decibels at the Gym

Exercise is good for your overall health – and your hearing health as well! With certain types of hearing loss linked to issues with the cardiovascular system, regular activity is good for staving off these conditions. Whether you’re in a group class or working out alone, in the last few minutes of a workout, the right song gives you the ...
Custom Hearing Solutions - How Disclosing Your Hearing Loss Helps Communication

How Disclosing Hearing Loss Helps Communication

Hearing loss affects a startling number of Americans. Fifteen percent of those over age eighteen report a degree of hearing difficulty, a number that skyrockets when we look at the over 65 demographic. Yet still, those who suffer from hearing loss are reluctant to disclose their difficulty. But it is often the act of bringing uncomfortable issues forward that allows ...
3 Reasons to Update Your Hearing Aids

3 Reasons to Update Your Hearing Aids

For those of us with hearing loss, hearing aids are the best investment we can make to improve our lives. Think back to the moment your hearing aids were first fitted and recall the immediate clarity and amplification of sounds around you. Because hearing loss is an invisible and gradual condition, many people who experience it are not aware of ...
How Hearing Aids Improve Brain Function

How Hearing Aids Improve Brain Function

Did you know that hearing actually occurs in the brain? As sound waves pass from our outer ear to our middle ear to our inner ear, tiny hair cells turn them into electric signals that are received and processed by the auditory cortex in our brains. Neural pathways that transmit these electric signals become inactive with untreated hearing loss. As ...
8 Questions You May Have About Hearing Loss

8 Questions You May Have About Hearing Loss

As with all new experiences, the journey to better hearing health can be overwhelming. When you visit us at Custom Hearing Solutions, our audiologist and team of hearing specialists are here to support you through the process. If you’ve been preparing for your consultation beforehand, you may have found an abundance of information and research on hearing loss. Here, we’ve ...