Hearing Health


Hearing Healthcare Clinic

At Custom Hearing Solutions we understand the challenges of Social Distancing ourselves from friends & loved
ones and relying heavily on phone calls. We’re also counting on accurate Telehealth appointments now more
than ever to stay on top of other important health concerns.

As your community provider, we’re initiating our Emergency Hearing Healthcare Clinic and providing you the
following options at NO COST. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic please contact us soon to
guarantee availability.

Your hearing health is our #1 priority and we are here to help you!

  • Hearing Tests
  • Service Any Hearing Aid
  • Hearing Aid Cleaning
  • Hearing Aid Repair
  • Any Hearing Problem
  • Ear Wax Treatment
emergency hearing health

FREE Curbside Options:

Curbside Hearing Aid Repair: You can leave any non-functioning hearing aid from any manufacturer or provider in your Mailbox, the front desk of your Apartment Complex or Retirement Community and we will repair them at NO COST. Just call us, fill in the following information, place Hearing Aids and this flyer in a Ziploc or Regular Bag.

  • Name and Phone Number of Owner:
  • Hearing Aid Brand (Starkey, Phonak, Resound, ):
  • Age of Hearing Aid (If older than 4 years additional options may be needed):
  • Location Purchased (Sam’s Club, Miracle Ear, ):
  • Problem Experiencing (Missing parts, Not working, ):


House Call: If you have a concern with your hearing we will make a call directly to your residence at NO COST. We have adequate supplies of masks and gloves to ensure your safety during the appointment. We’re equipped to offer the same services in your home as we do in our office at NO COST.

FREE Office Options:

Office Appointments: For concerns with your ear or hearing, patients can schedule a regular appointment in one of our offices. We will ensure appointment times are staggered to avoid an overlap of times where multiple patients are in the office at one time.

Telehealth: We have provided this service for several years and will offer this as a NO COST solution if your hearing aids are compatible.